The world is full of thoughts. The world is full of emotions. In all of us and we in all. Yet every idea is full of life, yet every feeling is full force, to resist and exist, and be thought out and gotten to know.
It seems that the time flows and the thoughts and feelings with it, but this flow is ostensible. Because in order for something to flow, anything else should remain in place or move to a different direction. And do we, the people, stand still? Hardly. Perhaps it would be much more correct to say that we are the one who flows and changes as all the living mass flows/changes, and time is still, time does not exist? We flow like the current flowing in the moment?
We can not be sure of anything until the end, but each of us knows and feels something very stable and firm. Isn’t it great?
Where there is a multitude of thoughts, in fact, there rules a void. Therefore, I invite you into the void. Here, in this webpage, is nothing more than a fluctuating dust grains thoughts murmur in timeless space. At the same time so special. Just as all around us. Wherever your look stops at, there is the same. But there’s always a special occasion. Dedication.
Words are like clay to be modeled. In fact, it makes no difference whether the image is cutted to stone, or shaped with words. Into the air, hearts, our minds. Important is a relationship, conversation, during which it occurs. This is comparable to eating: a self-offering and taking on himself. With each breath, each crisp shot, every dance step, every word.