Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 2016Audiovisuaalne konstruktsioon Konstruktsiooni idee ja installatsiooni teostus: Elo LiivIdee ja mappingu teostus: Alyona MovkoAudiolahendus: Taavi Suisalu Maailm on kirju. Maailm on kirjatud. Kirjatud käpikud ja sokid, ornamentidega kaunistatud tekid, vaibad, riided, geomeetrilised kujunditega esemed, mööbel, aga ka meie metsad, põllud, talud, linnaruumid, haljastus, tantsuringid, elurattad, saaniteed. Nagu visualiseeritud südame elektrokardiogramm, lõpmatu DNA kood, tõmbe- ja tõukejõud, resoneerivad helilained ja peegelduvad valgusvõnked on esivanemate aegadest pärit kiri kui kogu lainelise maailma resoneeriv kood, mille sümboolikat me lõpuni sõnadesse ja tähendustesse formuleerida ei suuda, kuid millest inspireeritult üha uusi ja uusi elukirjatuid kombinatsioone moodustame, kirjutame. Kui kujutleda kirjade
Patkuli Stairs, Tallinn Winter Light, 2016 Site-specific video mapping and audio solution Video mapping: Elo Liiv Concept: Elo Liiv, Marianne Jõgi Audio solution: Marianne Jõgi Under the platform of Tallinn’s Toompea, on the snowy part of the wall, a videomapping from the stream, which seems to flow down the slopes of Toompea. At the bottom of the staircase, the acoustic sound is heard from the fast-flowing river as a loudspeaker line. Visitors had to go through interference of light and sound. Sound support: Taavi Suisalu
Harju and Karja gate locations in the Old Town of Tallinn, 2016 Public space installations, height of about 5.5 meters At Harju and Karja Street emerged duarig the Old Town Days two large scale installations, noting the power of the entry and exit of the medieval Tallinn and bringing visual atmosphere of the Old Town of the former grandeur into modern time. Objects focused on creating very large dimensionsof fort adjacent gates massivsete hole pattern that encourages the idea of the scale of these past times in today’s cityscape. The sizes and locations of measurements, based on the archaeological
Kadriorg, Tallinn, 2016Kinetic installation Kadriorg park pond is also known as Swanpond. At one point, it is a fantasy or not – but the three swans have transormed for three dervishes, who bring their dedication to love into Nordic freshness    
Harjumägi, Tallinn, 2013 People, greenhouse, grass  What do Estonians believe in? Majority cannot give an answer. Yet they go and they bow on their farm plot, garden or greenhouse every spare moment they have. This is Estonian’s sanctuary. Pathway to the shrine winds through a labyrinth that has to be carefully mown in the summer. 
Kanut garden, Tallinn, 2013 Light installation Wall, mirror, laser Lightness and darkness equals Open and Hidden. Blazing lightness can be more dazzling than darkness. Darkness offers plenty of possibilities, yet in the presence of light all the world is known and evident. Black Hole, the embodiment of infinite darkness, transforms everything into something else and therefore only mirror knows what it reflects in the dark.
International art train ‘Cosmic Underground’ on the way from Tallinn to Guimaraes, 2012 Video, sound, and light installation: Elo Liiv Concept: Elo Liiv, Eva Tallo  Dream of freedom is like a cosmic underground from one reality to another. Its beat is endless commuting between reminiscences and dreams. Back and forth without stopping; merely for a moment to switch the tracks. One dreams of freedom constantly whether enchained or not. Those who live in suffering have faith and vision statement so sincere and strong, they are saved only by memories and dreams, heading to the indefiniteness. Free ones suffer from
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