Train Beat

International art train ‘Cosmic Underground’ on the way from Tallinn to Guimaraes, 2012
Video, sound, and light installation: Elo Liiv
Concept: Elo Liiv, Eva Tallo 

Dream of freedom is like a cosmic underground from one reality to another. Its beat is endless commuting between reminiscences and dreams. Back and forth without stopping; merely for a moment to switch the tracks.

One dreams of freedom constantly whether enchained or not. Those who live in suffering have faith and vision statement so sincere and strong, they are saved only by memories and dreams, heading to the indefiniteness. Free ones suffer from the heart of history’s sake, always consoled by memories of chains – heading to the indefiniteness again. Both are in certain unreal cultural room; place… what could call cultural memory – the historical desire of freedom and national memory of pain.

Wagon, simultaneously are working visuals that have a strong symbolic language, waves of ECG (electrocardiogram) joining the beats of a heart and a train.

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