Memorial place to the fallen Hiiumaa’s soldiers of World War II

Church square, Kärdla, 2012
Architects that co-operated: Maris ja Kadri Kerge 

Hiiumaa’s memorial place honoring fallen soldiers in Hiiumaa in the World War II is dedicated to all soldiers from Hiiumaa who died in the WWII irrespectively to which side somebody fought on.

Memorial monument depicts a young man who has freshly returned from the war – he sits and looks towards his home village. On his left side stands a memorial tablet with the names of his fellow soldiers who died on the battlefield. These men never returned home to their wives, mothers, sons, and daughters. On his right side lies future; the land that he starts to cultivate again. He sits as he would sit on the strip that shreds the river of life and death right before he starts to walk home. Past and future are linked in him. Hiiumaa’s lad..

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